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Invitation to local entities to make themselves known to USAID

USAID, the United States Agency for International Development, is seeking to direct more of its funding to local partners in Cambodia.

To expand its awareness of potential local partners in Cambodia, USAID has contracted the local organization VBNK to conduct a Partner Landscape Assessment (PLA). The PLA aims to identify local entities in Cambodia that have the capacity and interest to partner with USAID, or could partner with USAID with additional capacity strengthening.  USAID is particularly interested in increasing local partnerships in the sectors of agriculture, environment, economic development, business/organizational development services, children and youth, public health, and education.

How to begin the Expression of Interest survey:

This survey will take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete.

If you are a local entity (e.g. local NGO, company, or other institution) or a locally established international organization (as defined below) with expertise in any of the technical fields listed below and have a genuine interest in partnering with USAID, please use the following link to begin the survey:

Start the Survey

International NGOs should first consider whether they meet USAID’s definition of “locally established” (as defined below) before completing this survey.


Closing date: 17 August 2024    

Enquiries: Any questions? Please send an email to


Do not want to complete the survey? 

If you are a local entity or a locally established international organization (as defined below) and do not want to complete the survey, please take one minute to tell us why, by clicking on the following link:


Send us your feedback


Please note that completing the survey does not in any way guarantee future funding support from USAID.

This announcement is being sent out through a number of networks.  Apologies for any cross-posting.  Each organization is kindly requested to answer the survey questions only once.


Technical Fields of Greatest Interest to USAID

USAID is particularly interested in increasing local partnerships with the following types of organizations:

  • Agriculture/Environment: Agribusiness; Food (agro) processing; Post harvest management and cold chain; Agricultural education and advisory services; Natural resource management; Livestock; Aquaculture; Biodiversity protection/conservation; Climate change adaptation and mitigation; Climate-smart agriculture; Counter wildlife trafficking; Forestry, reforestation, landscape restoration.

  • Economic Development: Business enabling environment; Business Chamber; Gender and Inclusion; Innovation and digital technology; STEM industries; Green Economy and Green Jobs; Sustainable economic development; Technical/Vocational/Development/Management Training Services; Apparel/textile/garment manufacturing

  • Business/Organizational Development Services: Business Development Services; Monitoring and Evaluation services; Market/social research and/or assessment; Organizational Development services; Supply chain finance / Blended finance.

  • Children and Youth: Child Protection; Youth development; Unnecessary child-family separation; Child-family reintegration; Transition/closure of “orphanages”; Early childhood development; Orphans and vulnerable youth; Child Nutrition.

  • Health: Community Health; Social protection (access and accountability); Behavior Change Communication; Digital Health; Disability programming; Avian Influenza and surveillance; Health system strengthening; Health Policy; Infection Disease; Maternal, infant and child health; Psycho-social services/mental health services; Environmental health; Family planning and reproductive health.

  • Education: Basic Education, Digital skills development; Education technology; Inclusive/disability education; Higher Education; Youth workforce development, Educational research.

  • Cross-Cutting Areas related to the above technical fields: Gender and inclusive development (including disability, LGBTQI+, indigenous peoples), Data-driven management; Private Sector Engagement.

USAID’s definition of Local Entities and Locally Established Partners:

Local entity” means a company, local NGO, association, or other institution that:

  1. is legally registered in Cambodia;

  2. has as its principal place of business or operations in Cambodia;

  3. Is majority owned by individuals who are citizens or lawful permanent residents of Cambodia; and

  4.  Is managed by a governing body the majority of whom are citizens or lawful permanent residents of Cambodia.

A “Locally Established Partner (LEP)” is defined as a U.S. or international organization that works through locally-led operations and programming models and

1. Has maintained continuous operations in-country for at least five years and materially demonstrate a long-term presence in a country through adherence or alignment to the following:

  • Local staff should comprise at least 50 percent of office personnel,

  • Maintenance of a dedicated local office,

  • Registration with the appropriate local authorities,

  • A local bank account, and

  • A portfolio of locally-implemented programs.

2. Has demonstrated links to the local community, including:

  • If the organization has a governing body or board of directors, then it must include a majority of local citizens;

  • A letter of support from a local organization to attest to its work; and 

  • Other criteria that an organization proposes to demonstrate its local roots.


VBNK is a professional, Cambodian-led capacity development organization with a significant track record of helping to accelerate the program impact of social development organization. 

Quick Link


023 223 721/371

 4F, 4th floor SP building, St 289, Sangkat Boeung Kak 2, Khan Toul Kork, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

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